The Russell Cawthorn Collection

At The Sharp End: Canadians Fighting The Great War, Volume One 1914-1916
by Tim Cook
Purchase Price
£13.00 (new)
Date Purchased
September 12, 2015
Penguin (2007, Toronto)
This work appears not to have been available in the U.K., at least if it was, it was not readily apparent. The work is extremely well written, but loses absolutely nothing in the way of professionalism or academic worth in the process. The narrative is eminently readable, but covers at the same time the overall strategic, and the tactical, aspects of the war on the Western Front, and also the personal stories which, if told properly, will add much to the narrative. We have no hesitation in recommending this book to any student - of whatever scholarship - of the war. It is about the Canadians (although it describes them pretty impassionately and without any false claims) but it could just as well be read as the story of the Western Front throughout the war.
Purchase Price
£13.00 (new)
Date Purchased
September 12, 2015
Penguin (2007, Toronto)
This work appears not to have been available in the U.K., at least if it was, it was not readily apparent. The work is extremely well written, but loses absolutely nothing in the way of professionalism or academic worth in the process. The narrative is eminently readable, but covers at the same time the overall strategic, and the tactical, aspects of the war on the Western Front, and also the personal stories which, if told properly, will add much to the narrative. We have no hesitation in recommending this book to any student - of whatever scholarship - of the war. It is about the Canadians (although it describes them pretty impassionately and without any false claims) but it could just as well be read as the story of the Western Front throughout the war.