The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Chemicals in War: A Treatise on Chemical Warfare
Purchase Price
£50.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
July 1, 2015
McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc (1937, New York & London)
There are chapters on the Protection of the Civilian Population and the International Situation by George B. Fisher, Major, Chemical Warfare Service, United States Army. There are a couple of relevant newspaper clippings in the book. There is also present, stuck in the inside front cover of the book, a letter from the author to the Director of the Department of Metabolism at the Montreal General Hospital, dated 19th April 1940, concerning a point dealt with in the book. This is an impressive technical textbook which in its time was apparently regarded as a leading text. There are over 700 pages, with many diagrams. As such it must be a key book for this category in the Collection.
Purchase Price
£50.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
July 1, 2015
McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc (1937, New York & London)
There are chapters on the Protection of the Civilian Population and the International Situation by George B. Fisher, Major, Chemical Warfare Service, United States Army. There are a couple of relevant newspaper clippings in the book. There is also present, stuck in the inside front cover of the book, a letter from the author to the Director of the Department of Metabolism at the Montreal General Hospital, dated 19th April 1940, concerning a point dealt with in the book. This is an impressive technical textbook which in its time was apparently regarded as a leading text. There are over 700 pages, with many diagrams. As such it must be a key book for this category in the Collection.