The Russell Cawthorn Collection

They Are Not Dead: A Norfolk Parish in the First World War: Remembering a Lost Generation
Purchase Price
£11.50 (new)
Date Purchased
May 12, 2015
The Larks Press (2014, Dereham, Norfolk)
This book contains a revised and expanded biographical roll of honour of the Norwich parish of St. Augustine with St. Mary, Coslany, 1914 - 1921. This is a useful addition to the Collection's books describing the Home Front, although the book is basically 300 pages of short biographies of local men who served in the colours. For all that, it is very useful.
Purchase Price
£11.50 (new)
Date Purchased
May 12, 2015
The Larks Press (2014, Dereham, Norfolk)
This book contains a revised and expanded biographical roll of honour of the Norwich parish of St. Augustine with St. Mary, Coslany, 1914 - 1921. This is a useful addition to the Collection's books describing the Home Front, although the book is basically 300 pages of short biographies of local men who served in the colours. For all that, it is very useful.