The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Glory is No Compensation: The Border Regiment at Gallipoli 1915 (1st Battalion & 6th (Service) Battalion)
by Ralph May
Purchase Price
£20.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
April 12, 2015
Silver Link Publishing Ltd (2003, Kettering, Northants)
Primary Publisher was The Border Regiment and Kings Own Royal Border Regiment Museum, Carlisle. This is an account not only of the Regular battalion, but also of one of the Service battalions, of a fairly unfashionable but nevertheless splendid regiment, written by an author who was a professional soldier as well as having family connections into the story.
Purchase Price
£20.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
April 12, 2015
Silver Link Publishing Ltd (2003, Kettering, Northants)
Primary Publisher was The Border Regiment and Kings Own Royal Border Regiment Museum, Carlisle. This is an account not only of the Regular battalion, but also of one of the Service battalions, of a fairly unfashionable but nevertheless splendid regiment, written by an author who was a professional soldier as well as having family connections into the story.