The Russell Cawthorn Collection

The First Battle of the First World War: Alsace-Lorraine
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
February 12, 2015
The History Press (2014, Stroud, Glos)
Translated by Terence Zuber. This book was published with the permission of the Bavarian Army Archive. The book was originally written in German in 1929; the author worked from the Bavarian Army Archives. Consequently, there is little in it from the French perspective. Even today, there is very little available on the French side - the French archives are, as Zuber puts it "distressingly meagre". The battle was significant, not only because it was the first battle of the war, but in that it was more or less fought by the Bavarian Army as a complete unit. After that, the Bavarians were split up and distributed amongst the other sectors; they were never again a composite unit.
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
February 12, 2015
The History Press (2014, Stroud, Glos)
Translated by Terence Zuber. This book was published with the permission of the Bavarian Army Archive. The book was originally written in German in 1929; the author worked from the Bavarian Army Archives. Consequently, there is little in it from the French perspective. Even today, there is very little available on the French side - the French archives are, as Zuber puts it "distressingly meagre". The battle was significant, not only because it was the first battle of the war, but in that it was more or less fought by the Bavarian Army as a complete unit. After that, the Bavarians were split up and distributed amongst the other sectors; they were never again a composite unit.