The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Ataturk: The Rebirth of a Nation
Purchase Price
£16.99 (new)
Date Purchased
January 8, 2015
Phoenix Press a division of Orion Publishing (2001, London)
This book was first published in 1964, its first paperback edition was in 1993. This is a biography of Ataturk, but its real emphasis is on the War of Independence, so that it appears in this category as opposed to Biographies. The book is over 50 years old but remains one of the definitive works on the subject.
Purchase Price
£16.99 (new)
Date Purchased
January 8, 2015
Phoenix Press a division of Orion Publishing (2001, London)
This book was first published in 1964, its first paperback edition was in 1993. This is a biography of Ataturk, but its real emphasis is on the War of Independence, so that it appears in this category as opposed to Biographies. The book is over 50 years old but remains one of the definitive works on the subject.