The Russell Cawthorn Collection

At War in Distant Waters: British Colonial Defense in the Great War
Purchase Price
£30.00 (new)
Date Purchased
August 21, 2014
Naval Institute Press (2013, Annapolis, Maryland)
This book explores the reasons behind Great Britain's combined military and naval offensive expeditions outside of Europe in the Great War. The book argues that these were far from "unnecessary sideshows" and posits the view that they were an important strategic contribution to the conduct of the war, The book is well written, there are no photographs which is perhaps a pity, although this may contribute to the sense of the book being of truly academic value; however, there are maps, and they are good!
Purchase Price
£30.00 (new)
Date Purchased
August 21, 2014
Naval Institute Press (2013, Annapolis, Maryland)
This book explores the reasons behind Great Britain's combined military and naval offensive expeditions outside of Europe in the Great War. The book argues that these were far from "unnecessary sideshows" and posits the view that they were an important strategic contribution to the conduct of the war, The book is well written, there are no photographs which is perhaps a pity, although this may contribute to the sense of the book being of truly academic value; however, there are maps, and they are good!