The Russell Cawthorn Collection

To Play a Giant's Part: The Role of the British Army at Passchendaele
Purchase Price
£35.00 (new)
Date Purchased
January 14, 2015
The Naval & Military Press (2014, Uckfield, East Sussex)
This is a very large book - foolscap size, nearly 600 pages long and with many maps and diagrams. Perry, its author, was an amateur historian, for that reason alone this book is notable, but it is of no less value than the already established studies of Third Ypres by more famous authors. Perry approaches the battle from the standpoint of it being treated as part of the development of the BEF, and he is particularly dismissive of the concept of "Lions led by Donkeys". In our opinion, for a reference book on the battle, this book is probably hard to beat. Forget about it being written by an amateur historian, it is well worth its place in the Collection.
Purchase Price
£35.00 (new)
Date Purchased
January 14, 2015
The Naval & Military Press (2014, Uckfield, East Sussex)
This is a very large book - foolscap size, nearly 600 pages long and with many maps and diagrams. Perry, its author, was an amateur historian, for that reason alone this book is notable, but it is of no less value than the already established studies of Third Ypres by more famous authors. Perry approaches the battle from the standpoint of it being treated as part of the development of the BEF, and he is particularly dismissive of the concept of "Lions led by Donkeys". In our opinion, for a reference book on the battle, this book is probably hard to beat. Forget about it being written by an amateur historian, it is well worth its place in the Collection.